Couldn’t we all use a little more kindness in our lives?  It is amazing how small acts of kindness – volunteering, buying coffee for a co-worker, or holding the door open for a stranger – can create a positive chain reaction and turn the world into a brighter place!

Want to share a random act of kindness? These printable compliment sheets are a perfect way to get started. Use the gift tag below to tell a few friends how special they are!  This is an easy way to shine some joy on your friends!

friend gift

Download the Printable Friendship Gift Tags.  Print on card stock. I found this kraft colored card stock at the craft store. Cut out tags and use washi tape to fasten to a small gift.

{Printable Friendship Gift Tags}

printable friendship tags

I will be giving flowers, but what about a cup of coffee, a soft drink, homemade cookies, a special sack lunch…. really anything that would brighten your friend’s day!

random act of kindness idea

If you are looking for other ways to spread kindness check out these simple random acts of kindness ideas.

50 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

  1. Open the door for someone
  2. Drop off a toy, game or coloring books and crayons at a hospital pediatric unit
  3. Give a helping hand when you see someone carrying a lot of stuff
  4. Pay someone a compliment
  5. Help someone with their groceries or bags
  6. Smile!
  7. Say hello!
  8. Acknowledge the cashier who’s helping you and genuinely ask them how they’re doing
  9. Take flowers to a hospital ward and give them to someone who hasn’t had any visitors
  10. Reach an item off a high shelf for someone
  11. Listen!
  12. Drop off teddy bears at the police department to give to traumatized children
  13. Send someone a small gift anonymously
  14. Make sure every person in a group conversation feels included
  15. Drop off flowers at your friend or neighbor’s home
  16. Leave  an anonymous thank you notes to a teacher
  17. Treat a friend to the movies or dinner
  18. Put change in a vending machine
  19. Write a letter of appreciation to someone who is helping your community
  20. Play board games with senior citizens at a nursing home
  21. Give up your seat to someone
  22. Pick up trash you find along your way
  23. Say thank you to a janitor
  24. Pay for a toll for the car behind you
  25. Write anonymous words of affirmations for strangers to find
  26. Babysit for a single mom for free
  27. At a restaurant, pay for a table’s lunch or dinner anonymously
  28. Buy lemonade from a kid’s lemonade stand
  29. Pay for someone’s groceries
  30. Put something you no longer need on craigslist  for free
  31. Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you in line
  32. Send dessert to another table
  33. Pay for someone’s meal behind you at the drive-thru
  34. Volunteer your time
  35. Compliment someone in front of others
  36. Buy a meal for a homeless person
  37. Leave a book you have already finished somewhere for someone else to read
  38. Drop off a toy or game at a homeless shelter
  39. Offer to help an elderly neighbor with their household chores.
  40. Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
  41. Visit someone at a nursing home that doesn’t receive many visitors
  42. Take a treat to work to share with co-workers
  43. Pay for someone behind you at a coffee shop
  44. Write a kind thought  or inspirational quote on a post it note and leave in public for everyone to see
  45. Talk to the person who’s sitting by themselves at a party
  46. When you run an errand, ask the people around you if you can pick up anything they need
  47. Let the person behind you at the supermarket checkout with one or two items go ahead of you
  48. Put sticky notes with positive thoughts on the mirrors in restrooms
  49. Be patient
  50. Put your phone away and be present!

Looking for more ideas? Let’s help each other. Please leave your ideas for sharing kindness in the comments.

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Carol, what an a great idea. Please check out all the free printable cards on my site. I would love to help you brighten someone’s day.

  2. I recently volunteered to send birthday cards to the residents of a local nursing home. I was told that many residents have no family so getting mail is a bright spot in their day.

  3. I always say hi to everyone I see. I always try to smile and be kind to all I see everyday. Its hard to do sometimes when your not feeling well or have someone in your family not feeling well. I try not to let that get in the way of being pleasant.

  4. I try to do some of these things regularly thanks for the reminder. I’m definitely going to use the “friendship” card.

  5. What a nice blog you have shared. It is full of nice thoughts and ideas. I will surely share and recommend to others. It is a very admiring post. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I have done these things and this is great! I woul like to add…our men and women of the military. I pay for their resturant meals when I see them. Whether it is just them or their family.

  7. This is my second year of putting together a Holiday Gift Guide featuring 10 of my favorite Etsy Shops. For five weeks I select an item from each shop from the end of October to Thanksgiving.The Holiday Gift Guide is shared on my blog, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts and each Etsy shop can share with their followers, too. It’s a small way of paying it forward to help Etsy shops for the Holiday season. And, I do this on Mondays as my act of Random Kindness.

  8. Best idea for a new holiday that I’ve ever heard.
    This post is so inspiring on so many levels. I even want to buy those shears to make cute gift tags.
    Thanks so much for sharing. Pinning this now.

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